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Sundays are Hard: Part 3

During the school year, we have a group of Tim’s junior and seniors over every Monday night for a Bible Study. Last Fall, we went through some of the Spiritual Disciplines.

One of the young ladies who frequented the group asked how I maintain a relationship with God while being a Mommy.

This question stopped me in my tracks as I knew how difficult this had been for me. My quiet time with God throughout the week and attention during church services took a major hit during Luke’s first year of life. The second year was proving to be a little better, but the reality was that I was not satisfied with the minimal effort I put into my relationship with God on a daily basis.

There is a “to-do” list that always seems to take priority when I have free time during nap time and after Luke goes to bed. Thankfully our church has an incredible nursery that not only loves on Luke but is teaching him…I see the fruit. Despite this, I cannot count the number of times I have left church or small group feeling completely defeated and disconnected. While Luke was nursing, I spent the majority of my time in the quiet room where the sermon may or may not have been streamed in that Sunday. And small group…oh, small group…it has been such a challenge for me.

After a particularly challenging Sunday, I reached for a book I received at Luke’s baby shower. This book was put together by mothers who had mothered before me at our church in Fort Worth. Mothers at our church started this book 15 years ago and now have their “babies” leaving for college. This book is full of encouragement, tidbits, and advice. Every time there is a new baby, the book is updated and passed along to the newest mommy. It covers everything from PeePee TeePees to how to navigate the first few weeks with a newborn. After reading about preferred diaper brands and the best places to consign children’s clothes, I found myself weeping at the words of my friend, Bekah Weatherford.

She wrote, “Having a child is going to change the way you worship and spend time with God. Sometimes you will miss true quiet time with Him. You will wonder if you will ever really listen to a sermon again. (I’ve heard that we will!) When we want to please God, it’s easy to let the interruptions and duties of motherhood make us feel like we are failing at spiritual disciplines. In those times try to remember His grace, not our works, makes us right with Him. He designed you for motherhood and it is a spiritual calling. Making lunches, changing diapers, refilling sippy cups, holding hair while they vomit, playing silly games, sitting in a chair and rocking…those are our new acts of obedience to Him.”

I am teary, even now, as I re-read these wise words. I needed the reminder that this Mommy thing is not only work but it is divine work. Raising our son has been my greatest privilege. I am honored that God has given me this privilege and responsibility. I pray I remember this on the days {especially Sundays} when I think I'm ready for "real work" and "real ministry". The children God allows me to raise will forever be my greatest mission field and ministry!

Photos courtesy of photo gallery.

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